June 30, 2004

Bittersweet symphony


So my supervisor just asked me what the hell i was doing in the office and what would happen if big boss sees that i am doing my own work and i go-" So do u have any work for me?" And then she goes..."u finished SORTING FILES IN THE CUPBOARD?" "UHUH!" Then she sorta disappears. =)

So here i am! I wrote some shit at work to share. Pardon me if its shit. Coz work is. =P

You know how its like
You live your life
And ur floating floating floating

You meet some fellow floaters
And u form a raft
And u travel in the same direction
Together u sail, sail, sail

Sometimes someone gives up
And then she sinks, sinks, sinks
But u kinda refuse to give up ur raft
So u leave, u leave, u leave

You know how its been
The people u left behind haunts, haunts, haunts
One day ur raft became a cruise
It surges, surges, surges

U look around, the people with you
They're gross, gross, gross
And u think.
What did I do? Where did I lose myself?
So before u know it u exchanged ur raft for a cruise
You exchanged urself for someone else.

5.12pm MONDAY 29/6/04


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