June 02, 2004

Learn to KILL to feel SAVE

"Social lore and clinical writings suggest that it is possible to desire less closeness with romantic partners. That is, it is possible to feel smothered, suffocated and enmeshed in the context of closeness. "

Researching for my FYP now. Interesting read. Once again m convinced that there is nothing that u are feeling right now that havent been felt by someone else in the world. Which is comforting. No excuses for feelin like the world is mighty and unfair.

Nose is so sniffy i hope tt when i wake up tmr morning it has dropped off. Played tennis tdy and it was cool. I had a tan when there was pretty much no sun. Think my skills might just have improved. Thanks to adel and roomie who TRIES to get my balls.


"She has always thought that the ideal relationship would be a place where you would feel free to be whatever the fuck it was u were. It seemed odd to fall in love with someone all the while hoping that some fundamental changes would occur, enabling you to remain steadfastly in love - to hold back your acceptance, on the notion that all will be well once she becomes more like what she was going to become once u loved her into learning. Bowed and broken into learning your new law of love. It's that notion, that damnable, crippling notion that things could be - are supposed to be - better. The crippling addiction to the idea of better."

I wonder if u get what she's saying. I guess i do. Ha coz i am readin the damn book. Thats all to share for tdy i guess. In case ur pea brain can't take it.


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