My lit tutor
Yesterday, I went to MR D to remove my stitches. And I swear I will NOT be there again.
Dentist: Hi Zann!~ So how much did u suffer?
Me: Well...not much. Just food getting stuck in gums. (And crying self to sleep on that first night u let me bleed)
Dentist: Well thats normal. Open.(your mouth)
Dentist holds on to an amazingly big scissors and attempts to poke into mouth. Hits gums about three times. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" (I swear if I was rich I would sue him for undue discomfort adel)
Dentist: Did u know that 2 of the strings are already gone?
Me: Oh! I must have eaten them!~ (Should have just ate the remaining two as well)
Dentist: Not to worry they are made of silk!
Me: *smiles* ( Made of silk doesnt mean I'd like to eat them! )
Me: You know that white (GROSS) stuff beside my gums? My food gets stuck in it and its irritating. What exactly is it?
Dentist: O, those are tissues. They will grow to gums. Not to worry.
Me: OKie. (worrying)
Dentist: So u wanna make an appointment for the other side?
Me: (huR HuR over my dead body?!) Not yet. Not now. *Smiles*
Dentist: Ok den!~ Bye!~
That was it. I was in school yesterday morning (9.30am-12.30am) for a lesson on Endnote and found it utterly boring. I let my fellow fyp mate pay the attention and take the notes while I read your blog and felt totally impressed and amused with the stuff you wrote. Brutally honest. Even somewhat hilarious. I believe that was the first blog that made me laugh. Way to go. Well maybe I'm biased, coz I like u already. So I was doing just that until the computer died on me. =) Then I proceeded to stare at my mate's screen, for abt 15 minutes...
After lunching, I deliberated about the dentist's visit coz I hate the place. So I went down to my lit tutor's office at HSS (Humanities and social science) for the second time to collect my poetry assignment. The other time I went was before my tooth extraction. I was late and he was gone. Which resulted in a strong sense of disappointment which probably contributed to the sucky dentist experience. This time I was still awed by the fact that the HSS office is by no means sucky smelling like the rest of the departments. They even have X'mas trees and decorations at every door of the offices. Awesome stuff. I wouldnt mind having an office like that. And its interior was spacious!~ And dark coloured! Totally posh. So I knocked. Like 3 sets of 7 beats. And then there was no answer. ARGH... so I walked away and then I heard the same heavy yet purposeful and quick footsteps that I've been hearing the entire sem. Turned ard and there he was!~
" You looking for me? "
(Yes Yes Yes!!!!!OMG Yes!!!) " Yup!" I answered as coolly as I could master.
" OK..." He scrambles around after opening his door, pick up a stack of assignments and there! Mine was on the top. " Ok there u go."
I sorta prepares to leave...
He flips the paper over," Let me just go thru what I wrote coz no one can really read my handwriting anyway...."
He goes abt to say the same things I already told u. That my purals and singulars are messed up, (BTW they really are. Appalling. But its only in one fucking sentence!!OK two.) weakening my otherwise strong prose...and mentions that my B is essentially a really strong B. Okie. NOt really strong. Just Strong. I think u can see me positively beaming at every word he was saying. Even possibly lighting up that small X'mas tree he has on his desk. =) B E A M I N G .
But there's just this thing that disturbs me... he says that messing up your language is not uncommon. That Singaporeans do that all the time. I smiled at that then. But now as I think back I think he must be disgusted with the way we speak...He must think little of us. But well. Who bloody cares. We do speak in a mess. If we do speak at all.
" So what have u been busy with? " he ventures.
" Oh, my final year project."
I doubt he knows what the hell that was.
I pack the paper and prepares to leave. " Enjoy ur holidays!" he smiles...
"You too! Merry X'mas in advance!" And I left the building, B E A M I N G. Complimenting all the X'mas trees I passed by. Just coz of this, I'm quite sure I'm gonna have a good X'mas.
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