January 31, 2005

Delayed happiness


1. That you haven't brush my teeth since yest morning (forgot to bring brush to adel when stayed over). My gawd that is 31 hours. (!!!!!!)
2. That you're actually suppose to search SGX for some company who did reverse acquisition right now
3. That you have to present to this intimidating tutor on thursday who has magical powers to turn pple into stone


1. That u have the best group mates ever and they shall not let u turn into stone. Plus group mates are exceptionally smart. Plus who bloody fucking care about a 2 hour tutorial!~??!~ Everyone is gonna walk out of the room and then move on with their lives~!~ man. U am such a nut.
2. That ur mum bought bird nest for me
3. That ur dad finally bought the hand weights u've have been bugging him about
4. That Mich is finally absolutely happy with herself although V is very miserable
5. That the Chinese New Year is coming and u have holidays
6. That u have a date this saturday with Johnny Depp
7. That u have another date this friday with May so that u shall feel guilty about her books that u've so conveniently lost

I have been delaying happiness. There havent been smilely faces on my calender for about two weeks. Yeah I know. I dunno why we waste time by being unhappy. I dunno why we always tell ourselves to be happy only after we've crossed that hurdle. And I really dunno when we'll finally get it. That they are just gonna keep coming. And that they're just gonna get higher and higher.

I'm learning to call for help when I need it. Even though sometimes I think that no one can help me besides myself. But I'm gonna have a little faith now. You're my friend for a reason. And I should let u be. Trouble is part of your life, and if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough.

"Your love.. falls as the morning dew
Sweeps me away
Till I... am lost in you"

Jo, I so love this song. If you have the CD you must so lend it to me. =P


Blogger Responsible working adult said...

hey dear, the song was written by karen, the keyboardist from church. they are releasing the album probably within the next few mths so when it comes out id letchu know k! love u!

11:21 PM  

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