Series of unfortunate events
One. I did not rock my quiz. Yeah. After sloggin for 3 days thats almost embarrassing to declare. And two. I was gonna take a nap and recharge before meeting May but NO. They have to, absolutely have to, renovate their lovely house today, NOW. Drill drill drill. Three. This is long overdue but I have to tell u abt it. I was returning from tuition ard my house, hence wearing kuku big oversized 3 for 10 pasar malam T-shirt and flimsy SAJC shorts, with hair pinned up like chicken feathers with a gigantic clip, looking hideous and all. THEN, A Cute guy comes while I was waiting for lift. ENTERs lift with me, me still lookin unsightly. Actually, can't really tell if he was real cute la. I was staring at the floor the entire time, wishing hair and t-shirt can somehow adjust themselves. He was carrying his motorbike headgear and wore some orange surf burms... well. He pressed the lift for me la. So thats cool. Thing is for all the Sundays that I take that lift? No cute guy has ever appeared. I made a mental note to self to care abt not looking a mess.
Let there be you
Let there be me
Let there be oysters
Under the sea
I swear thats the lyrics of some song in the Nat King Cole CD I purchased. Hmm...
There's a famous myth from Plato's Symposium: People were hermaphrodites(having both female and male organs)until God split them in two, and now all the halves wander the world over seeking one another. Love is the longing for the half of ourselves we have lost.
Aye that from the book I refuse to finish. Finding another you in this world. To make being you less lonely than it is.
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