The GurL wHo SmOKeS CiGAretteS foR breAkFasT
28th May was May's birthday =) GURL i wrote u sth. And she is so poor her internet connection got cut off. So she won't c this yet. =)
She smokes cigarettes for breakfast
In school she was the one who got expelled first
I couldn't do without her
With her around, everything's a deeper shade of grey
There's no need for us to even play safe
She doesn't care for things to be either black or white
What she hates most, is their superfluous need to be right
If cheating was a game, you wouldn't dare to play
With her around, she always gets her way
She smells spunk, she exudes style
Hey i love u coz i dunno who u are
She exposed me to paranoia, lived life in audacity
For lunch she ate insanity
She liked her dinner served with complexities
Her laughter was contagious
And I havent heard it in ages
I like it that she's so merry she's gay,
She cuts her fringe herself and I din dare tell her it looked like hay
What do u know
I like her coz she is May
I hope she forever stays
For no other someone can make me write her this way